汤美琪(陈凤玲)不能忍受丈夫简君豪(叶良财)有外遇,于是向他提出离婚。君豪为了争夺女儿的抚养权不惜使出手段,以他的人际关系以及身份来压倒美琪。在美琪最无助的时候,她的大学同学连安生(张振寰)愿意为她打这场官司。在大家的预料之外,安生竟然赢了这场官司,美琪也得到了孩子的抚养权。 离婚后的美琪想继续往法律系发展,但是她的事业经过不少跌跌撞撞,也面对过许多棘手的案件。虽然如此,安生总是在美琪的身旁支持着她,帮她渡过难关。美琪与安生也在此时喜欢上彼此。美琪后来碰上了事业以来最棘手的案件,那就是替安生洗脱谋杀的罪名!她起初相信安生的清白,但是所有的证据都指向他。美琪该如何打这场官司? 她是否该接受他就是一个冷血无情的杀人凶手?
10.0 虚情假意
2024 海外简介:Inspired by Stephanie Wood’s powerful memoir Fake, this drama follows Birdie Bell (Asher Keddie), a magazine features writer who thinks she’ 、s found her perfect match when she meets successful grazier, Joe Burt (David Wenham), on a dating app. But as the relationship intensifies, Birdie is torn between Joe’s magnetic pull and the instinct that her boyfriend isn’t all he has le... -
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2024 海外简介:This is based on the novels of Holly Jackson. Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend Sal Singh. Case closed. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it. But smart and single minded Pip Fitz-Amobi isn't so sure and she’s determined to prove it. And if Sal Singh isn’t a murderer and the real killer is still out there, how far will the... -
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2024 海外简介:Viaplay’s reboot follows 40-year-old Inspector John Rebus at a psychological crossroads following an altercation with an infamous Edinburgh gangster. At odds with a job increasingly driven by technocrats, involved in a toxic affair he knows he needs to end, and all but supplanted in his daughter’s life by his ex-wife’s wealthy new husband, Rebus begins to wonder if he still has... -
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