法庭心理学家Sally Rowe被警方委派裁定是否有足够的证据以谋杀罪指控17岁的Alex,其被控告用枪射杀了同学Nigel。因为没有实物证据,案件的侦探备受来自有权势的Alex的父亲欲使监控流产的压力。深究 Alex和Nigel奇怪的共生契约,Rowe发现虽人已死,但Nigel的精神对Alex的影响绝没有减小。
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2024 恐怖简介:After discovering his blood-soaked daughter dead in the bathtub, David Bryson attends a self-help group to help save him from his ghostly nightmares. But when a group of mysterious cult-like women offer to help him resurrect his daughter. David's choices will not just decide his fate... but the fate of his dead daughter's SOUL. -
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